Originating in the south west - a free international conference for all healthcare professionals
QISW 4.0
A Brighter Future for the NHS:
with a focus on integrated care systems, leadership and diversity
QISW FREE Virtual Conference
Saturday 17th of September 2022
INTERNATIONAL conference for doctors, nurses, allied healthcare workers & healthcare staff in training

Opportunity to present your work at an international level and hopefully win some impressive prizes!
Abstract submissions now closed!! Successful applicants have been contacted so make sure you check your inboxes!
Top scoring candidates will be given the opportunity to give an oral presentation on the conference day. All other successful applicants will have a nominated space in the interactive poster hall where there will still be the opportunity to win some prizes!

17th September 2022
09.15 AM
Grab a coffee, login in to MedAll and settle in for the day!
09.30 AM
Welcome & Introductions
Introduction to speakers, presentations and structure of the day
09.40 AM
Keynote Speaker
Leadership - this time it's personal; David Shaw Chief constable West Mercia Police
10.25 AM
Refresh Session
Tea and coffee break; maybe have a sneak-peek at our interactive poster hall for later!
10.35 AM
Keynote Speaker
How Improvement Science can help us Improve Population Health and Address Inequalities; Dr Amar Shah Consultant forensic psychiatrist & Chief Quality Officer, East London NHS FT
11.20 AM
Refresh session
Tea, coffee and biscuits break
11.30 AM
Keynote Speaker
Integrated Care Systems: the future; Paul Maubach Strategic Advisor for Integrated Care Systems collaboration
12.15 PM
Oral presentations
A chance for our successful applicants to present their impressive QI research! Join a category break-out room and have fun learning all things QI.
13.15 PM
Lunch, Poster Hall + Sponsor talk
Use this time to have a break, browse our fantastic selection of research posters, engage in Q&A and network (via MedAll)
AZ lecture: Exacerbation Management and prevention: the use of oral steroids and antibiotics in COPD
2.00 PM
Quick-fire lectures
An opportunity to be inspired by our quick-fire lecture speakers. 15-20 minutes snippets to get you thinking. For more details see speakers tab..!
3.05 PM
Refresh session
Tea, coffee and biscuits break
3.15 PM
Keynote Speaker
QI as institutional entrepreneurship: how to implement change in the face of resistance; Dr Michael Page Director of Awards at The Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) and an ASME board member
4.00 PM
Awards & Closing Remarks
Category Prize winners Announced
David Shaw
'Leadership - this time it's personal'
David will talk about what good leadership means to him. While there are endless debates as to whether leaders are born or made, David believes that we can all be, if not perfect, then at the very least, better leaders and to make a real difference to the people we lead.
Chief Constable in West Mercia Police
Lead on Crime and Counter Terrorism
National lead for Conflict Management
Supervisor at Cambridge University on the Criminology and Police Leadership Masters Course

Dr Amar Shah
'How QI can improve population health and tackle inequalities'
This session will describe how we can use our existing skills in quality improvement to tackle complex issues related to population health and inequalities, drawing from examples and stories of national improvement work by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and quality improvement projects at East London NHS Foundation Trust.
Consultant forensic psychiatrist & Chief Quality Officer, East London NHS FT
National improvement lead for mental health, RCPsych
Honorary visiting professor, City University (London) & University of Leicester

Paul Maubach
'Integrated Care Systems: the future'
Paul Maubach has worked in the NHS for over 30 years – and has worked in a wide range of roles from specialised services through to primary care; as a Clinical Commissioning Group CEO and as an ICS leader. He is a professional accountant with a masters in leadership and organisational development and he led the development of one of the national vanguard new care models that helped inform the NHS long-term plan.
Strategic Advisor for Integrated Care Systems collaboration across NHS Midlands region;
previously lead for the Black Country ICS

Dr Michael Page
‘QI as institutional entrepreneurship: how to implement change in the face of resistance’
What I noticed when working with the Chief Registrars (and later produced a research poster about) was the nature of the opposition they faced and the sophisticated range of techniques they deployed in order to deal with resistance. I conceptualised their activity as ‘institutional entrepreneurship’ which, analytically, helped to explain and contextualise a lot of the resistance they faced, without demonising the resistors, as well as conceptualising their ways of working in order to keep going with their change agency. The result was quite a coherent (in my humble opinion!) account of why and how trainees encounter resistance when implementing QI, and the types of action they can take in order to make change happen.
Director of Awards at ASME and an ASME board member.
Co-lead, MA in Education for Clinical Contexts
& Level 7 Apprenticeship/PG Cert in Clinical Education
Institute for Health Sciences Education,
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistr

Quick-fire lecture speakers

Natasha Rees
'When it comes to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, why should we represent the patient we serve? A view from a medical device supplier'
Business Unit Head Clinical Nutrition & Pharma; EMEA Lead for the Baxter Multicultural Network

Matthew Lee
‘Redefining The Physician of The Future: How To Prepare For Technological Disruption’
Medical doctor, NHS Clinical Entrepreneur and Co-founder M3dicube

Joanne McGoldrick
'Health Coaching and Personalised Care in Primary Care and beyond’
Dudley Integrated Health & Care Lead Health Wellbeing Coach

Lydia Mann
Programme Chair
SHO in Gloucestershire Trust and am passionate about Surgery and also Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine. When I'm not at work, you'll find me in the gym or somewhere outdoors!
Paris Bruno
Vice Chair
SHO in General Surgery, Gloucestershire Trust. Aspiring surgeon and passionate about medical education. Obsessed with my puppy poodle.

Chris KY Chan
Sponsorship & Finance Lead
ENT JCF at Gloucestershire Trust. Part time ENT trainee, full time escape room enthusiast. Talk to me about dogs.
Harriet Louden
Keynote Speaker Lead
From August: F2 Southmead, Severn Deanery. I'm enthusiastic about surgery and trying to improve access to learning opportunities.

Zoe Pringle
Keynote Speaker Lead
F1 Gloucestershire Trust, Severn Deanery. Hoping to pursue a career in surgery, interested in medical education. Can most often be found cycling around the UK pretending to be Mark Beaumont.
Helen Crowley
Quick-fire Lecture Lead
F1 Gloucestershire Trust, Severn Deanery. Interested in medical education and general practice. Love yoga and being outdoors.

Lina Alim
Quick-fire Lecture Lead
F2 Gloucestershire Trust, Severn Deanery. Passionate about surgery, leadership in medicine, equality and bridging the attainment gap. Part time tea drinker, full time coffee smell lover.
Omar Ghandour
Abstracts Lead
F1 doctor, Severn deanery currently keen on pursuing a career in surgery. I'm interested in QI and research - particularly in the context of technology and innovation. Outside of medicine I enjoy painting, martial arts, and spending time with my family.

Carys Gilbert
Judging Lead
F2 in Gloucestershire trust, Severn Deanery. Interested in medical education and human factors. I love crafts and going paddleboarding.
Niamh McSwiney
Judging lead
F2 in Bath, Severn Deanery. Pursuing a career in Medicine, whilst soon to be fulfilling the travelling dream in Australia.

Joyce Lui
Social Media Lead
From August: F3 in ITU, Bristol Royal Infirmary. Interested in a career within the acute specialities. Massive foodie!
Rhi Preece
Social Media Lead
F1, Severn Deanery. Interested in anaesthetics and general practice. Happiest on the beach (preferably with dogs included!)

Alice Middleton
Communications & Publicity Lead
Teaching Fellow in Gloucestershire, long term career plans in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Passionate about teaching (and rugby!) in the meantime.
Molly Jones
Communications & Publicity Lead
F1 Gloucestershire Trust, Severn Deanery. Interests include obstetrics and gynaecology , quality improvement and gluten free cakes.

Flora Matthews
F1 Gloucestershire Trust, Severn Deanery. Interested in a career in anaesthetics. Passionate about all things horse related.
Hannah Cook
Past Conference Chair
Current F3 in Gold Coast Australia, returning soon to start CST. Loves all things surgery & medical education. Passionate about Quorn sausages.

Michael Okocha
Creator & Past Conference Chair (January & April 2020 and August 2021)
General Surgery SpR, Severn Deanery. West of England AHSN Patient Safety Champion 2020. Lover of all things QI and Trauma. Member of the Academy of Medical Educators.

Astra Zeneca has sponsored the logistical organisational costs of this virtual training meeting. This company has not had any input into the presentation, please let info@pointsix.co.uk know if you do not wish for your contact details to be shared with Astra Zeneca.

Medical Defence Union
The MDU is a mutual, not-for-profit organisation run by doctors for doctors. Our purpose is to guide, support and defend our members whenever they need us.
We are delighted to support the QISW 2022 conference. Here is a link to a short MDU video to remind you of the benefits of MDU membership.